About the exhibition
Breeze, a wind, a movement, a change. Rosilene Luduvico and Jörn Stoya chose the title for their split exhibition at Galerie Krobath with care.
If the premises are somewhat divergent: here Luduvico’s delicate, drowsy heads, there Stoya’s strong, colorful, abstract paintings – they are united in their apparent simplicity, accessibility, familiarity with the reason for painting, the questions of transition, be it from light to dark, day to night, or consciousness and subconsciousness.
Both choose a way to describe something for which we lack the words – but we might recognize it…
Breeze is a fleeting moment, but it can be a triggering moment that describes that things can change. Have to change. Want to change.
We are witnessing a transition – something is beginning, is in motion and is not yet finished. A final realization is not yet possible.
A glowing tone, a color affinity makes this exhibition shine in a defining tone, makes it accessible to us without explaining itself.
Text: Ernst Feuerbach
Further informations:

2 Rst 250124 3803 A4 Kopie 2
BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

BREEZE, Rosilene Luduvico & Jörn Stoya, in collaboration with Petra Rinck Galerie, Photo: Rudolf Strobl

RL 07 IchSeheDich2023LeimfarbeAufPapier21x15
Rosilene Luduvico, Ich Sehe Dich (07), 2023, Distemper on paper, 21 x 15 cm

RL 13 IchSeheDich2023LeimfarbeAufPapier21X15
Rosilene Luduvico, Ich Sehe Dich (13), 2023, Distemper on paper, 21 x 15 cm