Sofie Thorsen
Kunst am Bau
The work “( ) .§” by Sofie Thorsen and Walter Kräutler is situated on the northeastern narrow side of the building of the Salzburg Umgebung district administration, a project of the Fonds für Kunst am Bau und Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Salzburg, which was awarded a prize in an invited competition. The Raumordnung, a state law, serves as a template for the work “( ).§” by Sofie Thorsen and Walter Kräutler. Two large, almost white rectangles – enlarged A4 sheets of Untersberg marble – are placed in the landscape, one recognizes paragraph signs, commas, dots and brackets in black granite, which in typeface and sequence correspond exactly to the text of the law, but the letters have disappeared. A meeting place with utopian potential?
(Text: Hildegund Amanshauser)
The presentation of the art project ( ).§ incl. a talk with the artists*innen takes place at the open day of the BH Salzburg-Umgebung on 29 September 2023 at 1 pm.
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Salzburg Umgebung
Dr. Hans Katschthaler Platz
5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee
More information:§/