Michael Bauch

Untitled, 2011
acrylic on canvas
160 x 195 cm

Michael Bauch’s paintings are signifying procedures towards form. His works are concentrations of a praxis with the material, here with canvas, primer and paint, through which Bauch has been specifying his understanding of what is painterly since the mid of the 1980s. However object-like his works are encountered by their audience, their specificity is a painterly one. But still, Bauch’s principle is not one of composition, but of action, a practical approach towards the canvas, contouring its space in a first approach with seemingly accidental, repetitive movements of drawing, to therein find forms, which are than elaborated and cleared. The intensive chromaticity, which Bauch applies to his paintings in the course of their development, can be identified as yet another differentiating step within this process of materialization.
In Bauch’s work form and color are sharpened in relation to one another, this becomes especially clear where he pursues such a repetition of form over a great number of canvases. Bauch shows new series of paintings, which are reasserting, bending and newly adjusting their shaping again and again in different formats. And however abstract the forms may be that Bauch exercises here, they never fall into a graphic rigidification but are characterized by the indiscernible differences, which are becoming apparent only in their relentless repetition. It is those differences which are clearing the way for the viewer’s momentary figurative associations, projections which come into being within the gaze, unadulterated views and emanating from the individual connections to the painting. Those projections are not least founded in the medium’s pre-history, in memory pictures, which Bauch raises in his painting without directly quoting them. In Bauch’s paintings history is no tone of conoisseur-like referentialism but much rather an imprint of the history of the gaze. In this case, it is the impressions of the 1950s as much as the 80s, forms of Abstract Expressionism or early British Pop Art, which here return without either gestural monumentalism or informal tragic.
One begins to wonder if also the present occupies a discrete chromaticity and form, if it may consist in these intersections of the times, from the ongoing repetition, actualization and shifting of which contemporary art is made – or if it will step into the foreground only in retrospect, carved out, just as in Bauch’s painterly work with his material, in a form of open art history of the painterly gaze. Bauch paints painting as an artistic struggle within its material.

Kerstin Stakemeier





Michael Bauch

Lives and works in Hamburg, Germany.

1951 born in Wiesbaden, Germany

1974-78 Hamburg University of Fine Arts

Selected academic Positions:

1994 Hamburg University of Fine Arts, Visiting professor for Painting
1995 Hamburg University of Fine Arts, Visiting professor for Painting
1995 Summer Academy/Pentiment, University of Applied Sciences for Design, Hamburg 2004 Muthesius-School, Kiel, Substitute professor

Solo Exhibitions

2021Crossover, Carl & Farber, Hamburg
2017Galerie Karin Guenther, Hamburg
2015Galerie Karin Guenther, Hamburg
Wallpaintings and colour design, Café Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
2014Krobath, Berlin
Galerie Lullin + Ferrari, Zürich
Galerie Marc Jancou, Geneve
2013Galerie Karin Guenther, Hamburg
2012Krobath, Wien
ABC – Art Berlin Contemporary, Berlin
2010Galerie Lullin + Ferrari Zürich
2009Galerie Karin Guenther, Hamburg
2008nihil nisi, Berlin
2003Künstlerhaus Hamburg
2002Palais für aktuelle Kunst, Glückstadt
1997Produzentengalerie, Hamburg
1994Künstlerhaus Hamburg
1988Jablonka Galerie, Köln
1987Ausstellungsraum Alte Königstr. 5, Hamburg
1986Galerie Arno Kohnen, Düsseldorf 
Preisträger “Forum junger Kunst”, Kunsthalle Kiel (Kat.)
1985Standpunkte, Kunsthalle Hamburg (Kat.)
1984Kunstverein Krefeld
Galerie Arno Kohnen, Düsseldorf 
1983BuchHandlung Welt, Hamburg (Wandbild)
Galerie Arno Kohnen, Düsseldorf 
1882Galerie Pellegrino, Bologna
1980Galerie Max Hetztler, Stuttgart
Galerie Arno Kohnen, Düsseldorf 
1978Ausstellungsraum Ulrich Rückriem, Hamburg
Galerie Arno Kohnen, Düsseldorf 

Group Exhibitions

2018With Other Eyes: 10 Years Lullin + Ferrari, Lullin+Ferrari, Zurich CH
2017Künstlerbücher, Kunsthalle, Hamburg
Art and Alphabet, Kunsthalle, Hamburg
2015Michael Bauch – Berta Fischer, Galerie Karin Guenther, Hamburg
2013“Victor”, Zweigestelle Berlin
2012“Look Look Look and Look Again, Lullin + Ferrari, Zürich
“Michael Bauch”, abc – art berlin contemporary, Karin Guenther (Hamburg) und Lullin+Ferrari (Zürich), Berlin
2011“Eins Plus Eins”, Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung, Hohenlockstedt
“oder so: Malerei konkret, abstrakt”, Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck
2010“Cut. Scherenschnitte 1970 – 2010”, Hamburger Kunsthalle
“10 Jahre PaK – Palais für aktuelle Kunst”, Palais für aktuelle Kunst, Kunstverein Glückstadt, Glückstadt
2008“Wir nennen es Hamburg”, Kunstverein in Hamburg
2006“Kunst in Hamburg heute”, Hamburger Kunsthalle
1989“German Art of the Late 80’s”, contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Houston, TX
1988Künstlerhaus Hamburg
“BINATIONALE. Deutsche Kunst der späten 80er Jahre”, Städtische
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf und Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, weitere Stationen: Minneapolis, Houston
1986Stipendiaten, Kunsthaus Hamburg (Kat.)
1985“Selbstporträt im Zeitalter der Fotografie”, Württembergischer Kunstverein
“Forum junger Kunst”, Museum Bochum, Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg, (Kat.)
Sammlung Metzger, Kunsthalle Budapest (Kat.)
1984“German Expressionism in the Metzger Collection”, Sara Hildén Art Museum, Tampere
Künstlerhaus Hamburg
1983Hamburger Maler in der NAB Gallery, Chicago
“Skulptur und Farbe”, Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst, Bremen (Kat.)
1982“La giovante transavangardia tedesca”, San Marino (Kat.)
“Perspektiven”, Förderkoje Art Basel, Galerie Vera Munro, Hamburg
“Halle 6”, Kampnagelfabrik, Hamburg (Kat.)
1981“Junge Kunst aus Westdeutschland”, Galerie Max Hetzler, Stuttgart (Kat.)
“Rundschau Deutschland”, Lothringerstr.13, München (Kat.)
“Szenen der Volkskunst”, Württembergischer Kunstverein,Suttgart, (Kat.)
“Bildwechsel”, Neue Malerei aus Deutschland, Akad.d.Künste, Berlin (Kat.)
“Gegen-Bilder””, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe (Kat.)
1980“Group Show”, Galerie Max Hetzler, Stuttgart
“Victor Burgin, Michael Bauch”, Galerie Max Hetzler, Stuttgart
“Finger für Deutschland”, Atelier Jörg Immendorf, Düsseldorf
1979“Europa 79”, Stuttgart (Kat.)
1978“Selbstgespräche”, Würtembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart; Berlin,1979 (Kat.)


“Sammlung Lafrenz”, Bremen/ Dublin 1991
“Binationale”, Köln 1988
“Tiefe Blicke”- Kunst der 80er Jahre, Köln 1985